Applicant Insight Client: Services: Role: Type: Year: Applicant Insight, one of the world’s leading providers of background screening services, needed a website, custom map search and tradeshow booth graphic that highlighted their keywords using their standard...
GenerationsDNA Website Client: Services: Role: Type: Year: Generations DNA provided basic information for a genetic screening company. On the front-end, we provided a range of information about genetic testing featuring the benefits. The backend, written in PHP and...
GeoEye Website Client: Services: Role: Type: Year: Space Imaging was the first company to put a high-resolution satellite into orbit. By providing images of cities, monuments, airports, seaports and national parks, the satellite IKONOS showed us a new vision of the...
Ancient Observatories Client: Services: Role: Type: Year: Ancient Observatories was an award-winning web feature for Space Imaging. I came up with the idea during a phone call about observatories ancient humans created to track the Sun and the Moon. The feature showed...
Backpacker Magazine Client: Services: Role: Type: Year: For the move of to WordPress, a team of five worked to create a hyper-local web experience. My role was mainly supporting the lead designer with custom functions specifically tied to geo-location....