Client: Self
Services: Coder | Web Development | WordPress
Role: Developer/Designer
Type: Web Design | Web Development | Wordpress Development
Year: 2017
ZoomifyWP is a WordPress plugin that integrates the panning and zooming capabilities of Zoomify. The basic version allows for a simple zooming experience. ZoomifyWP Express incorporates more advanced functionality, such as beginning zoom, beginning position. A future version will help users add slideshows, automatic panning, and tours.

Zoomify implementation creating a Google Maps-like experience with specialized maps.

Flash-based application that allowed user to zoom into floorplan to determine the location of network devices within viewport. Clicking on icon would give device specifics.

With a focus on airports and seaports, I designed MapPOD as a mobile-first application (before such a thing existed), the purpose of this application was to create an easy-to-use display and purchase mechanism for Space Imaging/GeoEye. Initially, the Flash based RIA used a REST call from ESRI to display the map information at a pre-determined resolution. Because of YahooMap’s Flash API, maps could also be drawn from that source. Area of interest could come from a simple latitude/longitude input or placename data could be populated into dropdown selections from a PHP/MySQL call or an XML file. More interestingly, because of the precise corner coordinates of IKONOS imagery, it could be placed on the map with high precision. By adding some code to mask the edges, the image would seamlessly fit on the map; all before online mapping apps, such as Google Maps, showed satellite imagery on its maps. It is no longer available online.

Ancient Observatories was an award-winning web feature for Space Imaging. I came up with the idea during a phone call about observatories ancient humans created to track the Sun and the Moon. The feature showed the location and description of the image. Using a technology called Zoomify, a user could "explore" the image, panning and zooming on areas of interest.